Here is my Wishlist for Stardate -313981.98.
1 - Complete repudiation of the Republican attack on President Obama in the mid term elections.
2 - Meg Whitman losing despite spending additional 50 million dollars in the last three days.
3 - Carly Fiorina losing her race to incumbent Barbara Boxer and then finding work oversees sorting used hypodermic syringes with needles (gloves not included - actually frowned upon).
4 - Allow Craig Mortensen and Central Asian Institute take command in all manners regarding Pakistan and Afghanistan.
5 - The male members of the Democratic Leadership grow a set of balls and take on their adversaries like they actually exist.
6 - Repeal DADT. Really.
7 - Make Marriage Equality a reality in all fifty states.
8 - Simaltaneous power outage of CNN, MSNBC and FOX News along with all the major broadcast networks starting at stardate - 313836.68 and lasting until stardate -313839.76.
9 - Bring back Better Off Ted on a network that will let it be itself.
10 - Civility be a employable position.
If you can help with any of these outrageous and utterly foolish dreams thank you.
A wistful trekkie,